Saturday, April 8, 2017

Exploring UDL in the Woodworking Lab

My class this week focused on UDL(Universal Design for Learning), and how assistive technologies can be used to meet all students needs by offering a variety of instructional and assessment options. Part of this unit was reading an article that explore Six Ways to Engage Every Learner Using UDL. Of these six ways, the greatest struggle I felt I would face was to get my students on board with the changes that I would be making. Part of this struggle stems first in my own practices. Getting myself in a UDL mindset was the first challenge that I had to face, and that many teachers will face as they examine whether or not their current practices are truly diversifying the classroom enough for this generation of students. Identifying as a lifelong learner, as many educators do, I asked how I could get my students on board if I didn't get myself on board first. This is why I chose to analyze the Tools & Technology lesson plan that I had created a few weeks earlier by using the Cast UDL Exchange lesson template. Going through the template, educators are prompted to reflect often on what changes are being made, and what considerations/variance occurred that would lead to a more diverse classroom experience. Take a look at what I created, and challenge yourself to explore the Cast website as well. There are many great examples, suggestions, and resources that can help to get you on board with the UDL experience.

Previously, exploring the tools in the lab was a task that many students dread. Several weeks of the repeated sequence, reading an old and worn down text book, filling out a folder full of worksheets, watching a crowded demonstration, and then taking a safety test. I decided to give this process a face life while exploring TPACK in previous weeks. The new process would involve students constructing a product that can be referenced repeatedly and accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. Changing a previously dry and outdated task into a new, creative learning experience that develops both skills and knowledge for all students. I have changed the text to red to signify a difference between the previous practices.

Tools & Technology

Alexis Johns
| Last Updated: April 5 | Shared: Public

About This Lesson


Upon arriving at class, students will meet with their groups to gather information about their tool using digital archives. They will then proceed to gather photos and video of their tool that they will use in their final video production. Students will then combine their research with the photos and video to produce a quality overview video to be shown to their peers and archived in a wiki.


Prior to class, students will view a virtual tour of the woodworking lab via YouTube. They will sign up for a tool that they would like to learn more about via a google doc.


2 hours

Potential Use


Small Group, Classroom Instruction


9 - 12




No alignment information



Students will be able to:

  1. Identify tools in the workshop, including components, safety, and applications.
  2. Create instructional media using digital video editing technology.
  3. Collaborate with other students to create a database of tool videos.
  4. Research tools using a variety of digital and physical resources.
  5. Demonstrate tool knowledge through worksheets and safety tests.


  • Identify tools in the workshop
  • Gather information about components, safety, and applications of chosen tool
  • Collect photos and video footage of chosen tool
  • Collaborate with group members


  • Choice of research methods
  • Opportunities for guided note taking in and out of class
  • Digitizing demonstrations for more access
  • Choice of video/photo gathering and editing programs
  • Variable delivery of information by demonstration, physical and digital text, diagrams, and videos, and verbal dialogue(previously only physical text via book, worksheets, and demonstrations in class)

Author's Reflection

Students will have a variety of opportunities and option in expressing their knowledge and skills. When researching, students will have access to physical resources such as book and diagrams, as well as digital resources if they choose to gather intel via digital archives. By allowing students to explore a tool on their own, rather than having me give a brief overview of each tool, there will be more connection to the information being covered. The creation of videos for each tool, made by students, will also allow students access to each demonstration while they are home, access that was previously missing from woodworking because demonstrations were only available during lab time. Students will also have a choice on how to collect their photos and videos, and what program they will use to edit this media. Offering each student the opportunity to shine as either a producer, an editor, or a publisher. 



Identify tools in the workshop

Virtual lab tour. Students sign up for a tool of their choice to learn more about.

Gather information about components, safety, and applications of chosen tool

Research guide for information gathering, to be checked with teacher before beginning video construction.
Worksheets including tool diagram for each tool in shop, to be filled out as students watch peer videos.


Group video of tool of choice including part identification, safety, and applications.
Safety tests on teach tool following videos. Students must get 100% to pass.

Author's Reflection

A virtual lab tour allows students a safe environment where they can explore the lab at their own pace, rather than being rushed through with 20 other students. An option to follow their interest in a particular tool will play into motivation and engagement in the assignment. It may also encourage exploration of several tools as the students move towards a decision. Students will have the opportunity to view their peers videos in class, completing a worksheet for each tool. These videos will also be available via a digital collaborative wiki that the students create. For students who may have trouble processing the videos, books will also be made available that contain all the necessary information. Each students will play a role in the research, production, editing, and publishing of their video. This allows students multiple opportunities for students to display and develop their skills and knowledge through peer tutoring and group discussions. 

Instructional Methods



 Virtual lab tour
Students tool sign up via google doc


Introduce New Knowledge

Tool Research-Students will gather in the groups that they signed up for to collect information about their tool of choice. The teacher will provide a research guide to establish what information is required in the following activity.
Once research has been completed, students will share their google doc with the teacher to be checked for accuracy and gain approval to move forward.

Model New Skills and Knowledge

 Video ProductionStudents will take a video of the instructor or woodworking II student running their tool of choice. A video must then be created that covers tool parts, safety, and applications(the research they had gathered in the previous activity). The video must include labels, have smooth transitions, and show a level of creativity. The completed video should be uploaded privately to YouTube for instructor approval before moving to the next step.
Collaborative Wiki-Once video has been approved by the teacher, students will create a database(could be wiki, youtube channel, etc) where all videos will be uploaded and easily accessible.

Pose Leading Questions

Students will explore what applications their tool could be useful for both in the woodworking lab and in non-lab situations. 

Independent Practice

 Tool WorksheetsStudents will complete physical worksheets, that have been provided by the teacher, while they are viewing the videos their peers have created. Teacher will assist groups with playing their video for the class.



 Safety Tests-Students will complete safety tests over each tool/machine through google forms during class, questions will also be read aloud as each safety test is gone through. If a students would like to take the test on paper, they may choose this option. This will require students to synthesize what they have learned about their own tool, and transfer that knowledge to apply to other similar tools in the shop. Students must achieve 100% on a safety test for it to be considered a pass. If students fail a safety test, they must review the video, explain the questions they missed, and retake the safety test. Teacher will observe students and answer questions that may be unclear.

Author's Reflection

This lesson was designed to not only provide a variety of delivery methods for information, but also to create a new method for student learning. By having students construct their own learning through research and production of a video, they are also providing another path of access that can be viewed at home with each student being able to access the tool wiki. For students that may not have access to a computer, books are available to be checked out that would contain the same information.



Used by the Teacher: Woodworking textbooks, worksheets
Used by the Students: Woodworking textbooks, worksheets, pencil, notebook
Used by the Teacher: YouTube, video recording device, printer, powerpoint, word processor, video editing software, google docs

Used by the Students: YouTube, video recording device, word processor, video editing software, collaborative network for uploading videos, google forms, digital archives, google docs

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

TPaCK: Tools and Technology Integration

Continuing on my journey in the world of TPaCK, I was tasked to play the TPaCK game as a way to practice creativity and to prepare me for the next challenge.  However, rather than using cups, my professor Dr. Zeitz, created a spreadsheet so that we could simulate "drawing from a cup" in a virtual environment. Because the majority of content ideas provided were not applicable to me, I have created my own contents and used the random drawing simulation to choose my activity and technology. The following 5 ideas are what I came up with for my TPaCK activities.

1. Design, Brainstorming, Padlet- Students have just learned about the process of design. They have been challenged to brainstorm about what factors are influential during the design process. Students will enter their ideas into padlet, building a virtual bulletin board for further discussion.
2. Engineering, Analyze Data, Video Recorder- Students have been challenged to build a blasa wood bride that will be put into the tensile strength tester. Students record a video of how, where, and at what pressure their bridge fails. Students will then analyze the video, recording a detailed description of the failure and reflecting on how to improve their design.
3. Collaboration, Note Taking, Office 365- Students are working together to develop a design idea using recycled materials in an engineering course. As students collaborate, they musts keep a detailed record of the ideas they brainstorm, further idea development, narrowing down choices, and group participation using office 365(word processor).
4. Building a Wall, Minute Write, Google Classroom- Each day, students must complete a minute write about the previous days material. Yesterday, the steps to building a wall were covered and demonstrated. Students are now challenged to recall these steps as a response on a google form.
5. Soldering, Demonstration, Movie Maker- Students are learning how to solder a printed circuit board. After completing the safety test for soldering, students must create a brief video identifying the safety hazards that they face when using a soldering iron.

This week I was challenged to design a lesson plan using my new knowledge of the TPaCK model and the process of applying TPaCK Learning Activities. I chose to reinvent the process of exposing students to the tools and machines that are present in the woodworking classroom. A process where previously, students would have to read each chapter on a tool/machine and fill out the corresponding worksheet. This has always been a tedious and time consuming task in the woodworking lab, and my goal with this lesson was to reduce the time needed to complete the task, and engage students by catering to their interest in technology.

Lesson title: Tools and Technology(for the purpose of this lesson, machines will be included in the umbrella of "tools")

Summary: Students will explore the different components, safety rules, and applications for the varying tools in the woodworking classroom. Students will get into small groups, choose one tool to focus on, and create a video demonstration by recording each other, and then creating a video that includes labeling of the tools components, how safety rules were met, and a demonstration of the tool in use.

Primary Core Goals/Outcomes: State which standard and outcomes from the Iowa State Core Curriculum your lesson will address.  Copy and paste the text of the standard and objective into this space.

Technological Literacy: High School(9-12)

Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes..
Students individually or collaboratively create media-rich products to be displayed, published, or performed for a variety of audiences.

Students design, develop, create, and/or test self-generated digital learning objects that are accessible by as many users as possible, and demonstrate knowledge and skills related to curriculum content.
Apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

Process data and report results.
Students access information efficiently and effectively, evaluate information critically and competently, and use digital information and tools accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand.

Students use technological tools to select, organize, and analyze data, convert that information into
easily understood
knowledge, and effectively convey
the results to an intended audience.

Intended Learning Outcomes: Describe what students should be able to do as a result of this lesson. You may have several intended learning outcomes for a single lesson. These must support the Primary Core Goals/Outcomes listed above.
Students will be able to:
  1. Identify tools in the workshop, including components, safety, and applications.
  2. Create instructional media using digital video editing technology.
  3. Collaborate with other students to create a database of tool videos.
  4. Research tools using a variety of digital and physical resources.

Pedagogical Decisions: Consider the 8 practical pedagogical decisions listed by Harris & Hofer (2009) in the article you have read. Explain the your decisions for each of the continua and why you made that decision for each of the eight. What are your intended outcomes for those decisions.

Primary focus of interactions in this learning experience: Teacher centered vs student centered
This learning experience will be primarily student-centered. Teacher will provide assistance and guidance to students, monitoring progress and checking their work for accuracy. Students will actively explore tools and create learning materials, followed by peer learning experience as they view the videos of other classmates.
Type(s) of learning: convergent-divergent
Students will experience convergent thinking as they explore their chosen tool, researching to identify parts, examine safety issues, and discover different applications.
Students will experience divergent thinking as they apply creative skills to develop their digital learning materials(video).
Students prior knowledge and skills: more vs less relevant experiences
No previous experience with tools is necessary for completion of this lesson.
Depth of understanding sought: introductory/surface comprehension vs deeper knowledge construction
Students depth of understanding will fall closer to the deep knowledge side of the spectrum, as they will transfer knowledge of their tool safety, components, and applications to related tools in the lab.
Amount of time required to reach level of depth sought for learning experience: in class and at home
The students will have 6 to complete the task, followed by 2 days to complete the summative assessment.
Amount and type of structure for the learning experience plus strengths and challenges related to planned activity
This lesson will be moderately structured as students have creative reign on their videos, however, what is included in the videos and corresponding worksheets will be set by the teacher.
Learner configuration: whole group, small group, individual, mixed type
Students will work in small groups to create their videos, followed by whole group viewing of peers videos with correlating worksheets.
Any additional resources required
Recording equipment. Video editing software. Access to digital archives.
TPACK Activity Types: Identify the TPACK Activity Types you will use.

Activity Type
Field Trip
Students will view virtual tour of lab before attending class.
Research/read text
Students gather, analyze, and synthesize information using print-based and digital sources
Digital archives
Create a Film
Using some combination of still images, motion video, music and narration students produce their own movies
Answer Questions
Students respond to questions using traditional question sets or worksheets, or through the use of an electronic
discussion board, email or chat
Google forms/google docs

Assessment Plan: Tell how you will measure students’ achievement of the intended learning outcomes.  State whether the assessment will be formative or summative.

Research guide for information gathering, to be checked with teacher before beginning video construction.

Worksheets including tool diagram for each tool in shop, to be filled out as students watch peer videos.

Group video of tool of choice including part identification, safety, and applications.

Safety tests on each tool following videos. Students must get 100% to pass.

Used by the Teacher: Woodworking textbooks, worksheets

Used by the Students: Woodworking textbooks, worksheets, pencil, notebook

Used by the Teacher: YouTube, video recording device, printer, PowerPoint, word processor, video editing software, google docs, laptops/computers, google forms, communication tech

Used by the Students: YouTube, video recording device, word processor, video editing software, collaborative network for uploading videos, google forms, digital archives, google docs, communication tech

Instructional Procedures: Explain each activity that will occur during the lesson.  Be clear about what the teacher and the students are doing during each activity.  Also be sure to tell how technology is being used during lesson activities.  This section should be the longest section of your lesson plan. The biggest problem last semester was that students did not give the level of detail needed in this section. Although you are planning lessons that you will teach, you will know that you are done when you have enough detail that if you had an emergency that prevented you from teaching and a substitute could read your lesson plan and then teach the lesson in the way that you would want it taught.

Student/Teacher Roles
Virtual Lab Tour
Before attending class, students will need to access a YouTube video that has been created by the teacher which gives a virtual tour, including tool identification, of the woodworking lab. Students should take note of any tool that they may be interested in learning more about, and sign up for groups in the google doc.
YouTube, google docs, communication technology(if contacting classmates to form groups)
Tool/Machine Research
Students will gather in the groups that they signed up for to collect information about their tool of choice. The teacher will provide a research guide to establish what information is required in the following activity.
Once research has been completed, students will share their google doc with the teacher to be checked for accuracy and gain approval to move forward.
Digital archives, google docs
Video Production
Students will take a video of the instructor or woodworking II student running their tool of choice. A video must then be created that covers tool parts, safety, and applications(the research they had gathered in the previous activity). The video must include labels, have smooth transitions, and show a level of creativity. The completed video should be uploaded privately to YouTube for instructor approval before moving to the next step.
Video recorder/camera, video editing software, YouTube, communication tech to collaborate with classmates
Collaborative Video Publishing
Once video has been approved by the teacher, students will create a database(could be wiki, youtube channel, etc) where all videos will be uploaded and easily accessible.
Communication tech., platform of choice for video location
Tool Worksheets
Students will complete physical worksheets, that have been provided by the teacher, while they are viewing the videos their peers have created. Teacher will assist groups with playing their video for the class.
Possibility of making these digital if access to computers/laptops is present.
Safety Tests
Students will complete safety tests over each tool/machine through google forms during class. Students must achieve 100% on a safety test for it to be considered a pass. If students fail a safety test, they must review the video, explain the questions they missed, and retake the safety test. Teacher will observe students and answer questions that may be unclear.
Google forms, YouTube, google docs